Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ready to sew!

The week after Christmas is usually when I'm hit with the cleaning and organizing bug. This year, it was my fabric stash and craft room shelves that were my target.

For the past few years, my fabric has been kept in plastic bins in my front closet, lovingly referred to as "the quilt store". That meant that coats and boots were left to roam our great room, usually just being thrown over a couch back or stair railing or left on the rug to trip over. But, they roam no longer. Our front closet now holds coats and boots. Well, mine anyway. Ron still leaves his boots out, where I trip on them (4-5 pair at a time) on a daily basis, but I don't suspect that'll change anytime soon.

I knew I wanted to keep my fabric stash sorted by color and/or category (fall, Christmas, reproduction/vintage looking, baby). After pricing bins to fit my Ikea shelves, I decided to look for fabric bin tutorials online. I found a few smaller bin patterns and used them as a guide to make bins that were roughly 12" square. After several days of non-stop cutting, sewing, folding, and organizing, my shelves are filled with my fabric stash. No more going to "the quilt store" to look for fabrics (which were always in the bottom row of bins). Now, I can pull out just one bin of fabric at a time in the comfort of my sewing room.  Here's the finished product:

I definitely gravitate towards blue fabrics when I'm shopping. It took four bins to hold it all. Everything else fit pretty nicely into one bin each. It was also nice to have a place to put not red/not pink fabrics. The two bottom left wire baskets hold backing fabrics or fabric sets that are going to be used together. The wicker basket holds a variety of ziploc bags that get used over and over to hold projects together after cutting, but before sewing. It also holds a surge protector cord in place. Usually my ironing table is sitting in front of this shelf, and my iron is plugged into the surge protector.  :) I'm glad to be finished with this job!

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